When a JavaScript application is to complex or large to build in a single file, grouping the application’s components into packages allows for script dependencies to download in parallel; and facilitates only loading packaged and other modular code as the site experience requires the specific set of dependencies.
AMD and Require.JS provide the structure for writing modular code with dependencies. Backbone.js provides the code organization for developing models, views and collections and also interactions with a RESTful API. Below is an outline of the Web application’s file organization
File organization
Assume the following directories and file organization, with app.build.js as the build profile (a sibling to both source and release directories). Note that the files in the list below named section can be any component of the application, e.g. header, login)
This structure groups common (or site-wide) code of (core) models, views, collections which are extended from a base.js constructor. These base constructors extend the appropriate backbone method, e.g. Backbone.Model.
The packages directory organizes code by section / responsibility, e.g. cart, checkout, etc. Notice that within the example header package the directory structure is similar to the app root directory file structure.
A package (of modularized code) has dependencies from the common libraries in your application and also has specific code for the packages execution alone; other packages should not require another packages dependencies.
A utils directory has shims, helpers, and common library code to support the application.
A syncs directory to define persistence with your RESTful api and/or localStorage.
The vendor libraries folder will not be built, there is no need to do so.
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