API Docs for: 0.2.1

serializers Module

Serializer/Deserializer for a JSON API resource object, used by adapter.

When extending use a mixin or define transform methods to serialize and/or deserializer attributes based on the name or the type of attribute.

The methods use a naming convention:

  • '[de]serialize' + 'AttrName' or 'TypeName' + 'Attribute'
  • E.g. use serializeNameAttribute and deserializeNameAttribute in a generated serializer for use with name: attr()
  • Or, redefine serializeDateAttribute and deserializeDateAttribute to use your own data transformation with attr('date') the default, Date type [de]serialize methods transfrom to/from ISO Format.
  • Transform methods based on the name of the attribute will be called instead of any transform methods based on the type of the attribute.

This module provides the following classes: